Step into the captivating world of Keris on our all-encompassing online platform, where knowledge, artistry, and the thrill of collecting converge. Immerse yourself in an enlightening online exhibition gallery that serves as a comprehensive source of keris knowledge, showcasing the intricate details, historical significance, and cultural richness of these remarkable Dagger.

We try to maintain the knowledge we share based on written references

Explore our curated collection of keris, each presented as a masterpiece in our virtual gallery. From ancient to contemporary, each keris tells a unique story, inviting enthusiasts to delve into the world of cultural heritage and craftsmanship. Whether you're a seasoned collector or a curious newcomer, our platform provides a visual feast of keris artistry and a wealth of educational resources.

Beyond the exhibition, our platform serves as a dynamic marketplace, offering enthusiasts the opportunity to buy and sell these Keris. Connect with like-minded individuals who share a passion for keris, fostering a community dedicated to preserving and appreciating the art form.

Complementing our keris collection, explore a range of meticulously crafted accessories that enhance the beauty and functionality of these exceptional blades. From ornate sheaths to exquisite hilt embellishments, ancient or new made our accessories are curated to complement and complete the artistry of the keris.

Embark on a journey of discovery, appreciation, and acquisition as you navigate our immersive platform. Whether you're here to explore the history of keris, add to your collection, or engage with a vibrant community of enthusiasts, our website is your gateway to the fascinating world of keris culture. Welcome to a space where knowledge, art, and heritage intertwine.

Attention, Keris Enthusiasts!

Before you decide to bring an ancient keris into your collection, take a moment to appreciate the rich history and craftsmanship behind these exceptional blades. Knowing the exotery of keris tells adds a special layer to your ownership.

Explore the details of keris knowledge, from styles to historical context, to make an informed decision. Our collection features the exotery of keris with a legacy that spans centuries, and we want you to fully understand and appreciate what you're acquiring.

Your thoughtful consideration and understanding will not only make your keris a valued possession but also a meaningful connection to the past. Welcome to a space where knowledge meets appreciation, enhancing your journey into the world of ancient keris collecting.

Contact Us


Jl. Flamboyan No.9, Ds.Polorejo, Babadan, Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia


+6285 335 070909
